Lillehookbreen Glacier with wispy clouds overhead in the Lillehookfjorden Svalbard.
Iceberg with arch in Arctic Ocean north of Svalbard Islands.
Photograph of the Arctic Ocean and Iceberg and pack ice from the bow of a boat using a fisheye lens 500 mlles from the North Pole.
Star trails with Park Avenue in the forground Arches National Park near Moab Utah.
Star trails recorded while painting Hoodoo with light from spotlight in Red Canyon near Bryce National Park in Utah.
Star trails with the dark night sky in the Kalahari National Park, South Africa.
Composite illustrating the phases of a full eclipse, highlighting the corona during full eclipse.
Image of the diamond ring at third contact.
Composite of full eclipse and corona created by stacking 13 images captured during 2017 Full Eclipse.