Mother polar bear with two three-month-old cubs resting in front of an iceberg on Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada.
Three-month-old Polar Bear Cub exploring the area close to its day den.
Grizzly bear sow walking along the shoreline of th Chilko River in British Columbia, Canada with her cub-of-the-year and golden grass in the background.
Mother Polar Bear with her two cubs in Wapusk National Park south of Churchill Manitoba Canada walking toward Hudson Bay.
Caribou herd crossing the Thelon River in Northwest Territories Canada.
This Polar Bear is walking along the shore of the Beaufort Sea near Kaktovik Alaska at sunset.
Two cubs-of-the-year walking with their mother on the tundra in Wapusk N.P. near Churchill, Manitoba, Canada.
This polar bear north of Svalbard on the pack ice in the Arctic Ocean is cooling off.