Intense moment frozen in time. Aurora framing the mountains in the background and Vikbutan Bay in the foreground, Lofoten Islands, Norway. The intensity of this display lasted for a short 10 minutes. With humble excitement, I [...]

Story Behind The Image “Supervised Play”

A sequence of images of young polar bear cubs playing on the tundra in Wapusk National Park, Manitoba, Canada while their mother watches intently. These images of a mother polar bear with her two cubs playfully [...]

Story Behind the Image “Gaze”

The riviting gaze of a lynx as he walks out of the forest and onto a remote logging road in British Columbia This past February, I traveled to British Columbia primarily to photograph wolves. The wolves [...]

Story Behind the Image “Sentinel”

Arctic fox sitting in front of snow coverd spruce trees near on shore of Fletcher Lake in Wapusk National Park, Manitoba, Canada I ran across this arctic fox image while doing some much needed image cataloging [...]

“Under Foot” Second Image to place in the top 100 in the North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA) 2019 Showcase Competition

Two cubs-of-the-year walking with their mother on the tundra in Wapusk N.P. near Churchill, Manitoba, Canada “Under Foot” - Second image of mine to place in the top 100 in the North American Nature Photography Association [...]

Story Behind the Image “Ethereal”

Caribou on the snowy tundra at Fletcher Lake in Wapusk N. P. near Churchill, Manitoba, Canada I decided to re-post an image from a few months ago and attach a story behind the image. I believe [...]

Story Behind the Image “Eye on You”

Arctic fox feeding on the remains of a caribou that was killed during the night by a pack of wolves during the night on Fletcher Lake in Wapusk National Park, Manitoba, Canada This arctic fox in [...]

Story Behind the Image “Prime Rib”

Arctic fox carrying a large piece of caribou meat scavanged from a wolf kill on Fletcher Lake in Wapusk National Park, Manitoba, Canada In this post I am featuring an image that I took this past [...]

Story Behind the Image “Lone Journey”

Coyote with snow on its face walking out of a patch of sagebrush in Yellowstone National Park Wyoming. Here is another image from the vault. Same location and same season as the Image in my last [...]

Story Behind the Image “Sneak Attack”

Coyote sneaking up on an unsuspecting videographer in Yellowstone National Park Wyoming. Here is an image I recently ran across while doing some much needed file editing. This image was captured over 20 years ago while [...]

2021-04-27T21:46:26-04:00August 8th, 2018|Categories: Story Behind the Image, Wildlife Photography|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |
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