Sunset at Mt Sass de Putia in the Dolomites in northern Itally
Earlier this fall I spent 10 days touring the Dolomites. The Dolomites, designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage site, are located in northern Italy and are part of the Alps. The jagged mountain peaks, reflections on the lakes, fall color, and churches are particularly stunning. The sunrises and sunsets can be spectacular. Some of the churches with their ornate architecture are centuries old and but still in surprisingly good condition given their age. The weather in the area is extremely unpredictable.
The image in this post is of Mt Sass de Putia. The day before this image was taken, we visited the area and the entire area including the mountain peak was enshrouded in fog. The mountain peak and the valley below were not visible. I spent the afternoon entertaining myself photographing trees and buildings vanishing in the fog. Prior to our visit our local guides attempted to describe the scenery that we could expect to see. It was difficult to put that in perspective when all you could see was fog.
The next day we returned to the exact same location and the weather was sunny. I was completely blown away by the scenery. I found the scenery more spectacular than described by our guides. The image seen here is of Mt Sass de Putia bathed in the golden light as the sun set. I especially like the mix of warm and cool tones. The color in the cool blue sky and the golden light on the mountain peaks complement each other nicely. My camera did an excellent job of holding detail in the spruce trees. I hope you enjoy this image.