• Serval cat posing in the Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania.

  • Bald eagle in flight in Homer, Alaska.

  • Mother Polar Bear resting with her two three-month-old cubs in Wapusk National Park south of Churchill Manitobe Canada near the Hudson Bay.

  • Three-month-old Polar Bear Cub exploring the area close to its day den.

  • Three-month-old Polar Bear Cub exploring the area close to its day den.

  • Coyote sneaking up on an unsuspecting videographer in Yellowstone National Park Wyoming.

  • Panorama of the Smoky Mountains at sunrise with dense fog in the valley below. Center image taken at the moment the sun cleared the distant mountains producing the starburst. The starburst was further intensified by the moisture in the fog.

    Robin Imaging has an online gallery featuring several artists. Each artist has their own gallery featuring pieces of their work. I am fortunate to be one of the artists and have my own gallery on their site featuring several images. To order one of these images from Robin, there will be a direct link next to the image on my web site. This link will take you directly to that image in my online gallery at Robin Imaging where you will find a menu of print mediums and print sizes available for that specific image along with pricing. An order can be placed directly from this page. Below is a list of typical print mediums and size offerings. Since the medium used is image dependent, the offering of print mediums will vary somewhat depending on the photograph.



    Photo Rag Epson Metallic Canvas Metal (gloss or luster surface) TrueLife HD Acrylic 1” Acrylic Block

    8x12” 10x15” 12x18” 14x21” 16X24” 18X27”

    20x30” 24X36” 28x42” 30x45” 32X48”

  • Fog beginning to form late in the evening following as a storm clears from Morton's Overlook in Smoky Mountains National Park.

  • Fog beginning to form late in the evening as a storm clears from Morton's Overlook in Great Smoke Mountains National Park.

  • Sunrise in the Smoky Mountains photographed fron the Foothills Parkway with fog in the valley.

  • Two three-month-old cubs play outside their day den in Wapusk National Park south of Churchill Manitoba Canada near the Hudson Bay under the watchful eye of their mother.

  • Cheetah posing in the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania.

  • Fireworks and colors reflected in the Ohio River with the Cincinnati night skyline in the background after completion of a Cincinnati Reds baseball game from the Newport Kentucky side of the Ohio River.

  • Fireworks over Cincinnati Skyline with reflections in Ohio River.

  • Early morning fog with reflection on lake in Acadia National Park, Maine.

  • Boat house photographed in predawn light following light overnight snowfall.

  • A boat house on Lake Louise in Banff National Park, Canada early in the morning before sunrise after a light overnight snow fall. Pre-dawn light was responsible for the blue tone of this image.

    Robin Imaging has an online gallery featuring several artists. Each artist has their own gallery featuring pieces of their work. I am fortunate to be one of the artists and have my own gallery on their site featuring several images. To order one of these images from Robin, there will be a direct link next to the image on my web site. This link will take you directly to that image in my online gallery at Robin Imaging where you will find a menu of print mediums and print sizes available for that specific image along with pricing. An order can be placed directly from this page. Below is a list of typical print mediums and size offerings. Since the medium used is image dependent, the offering of print mediums will vary somewhat depending on the photograph.



    Photo Rag Epson Metallic Canvas Metal (gloss or luster surface) TrueLife HD Acrylic 1” Acrylic Block

    8x12” 10x15” 12x18” 14x21” 16X24” 18X27”

    20x30” 24X36” 28x42” 30x45” 32X48”

  • Two cubs-of-the-year staying close to their mother in Wapusk N.P. near Churchill, Manitoba, Canada.

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